Man Wants

Cycling to work can reduce risks of cancer and heart disease

Cycling to work is a great way to fit in some daily exercise. It’s faster than most public transport, and it’s also good for you. A study has recently shown that it can actually cut your chances of cancer and heart disease.

It makes sense really, since you’re fitting a daily exercise routine into your work commute. The fiver-year-long study of 250,000 UK commuters has shown that walking to work or cycling has its benefits. Apparently, cycling took no willpower once it was part of your daily routine – unlike the gym.

Suit up and helmet on. (Image: Body One Physical Therapy)

The Stats

Out of everybody participating in the study, 2,430 died. 3,748 were diagnosed with cancer and 1,110 had heart problems. However, regular cycling cut the risk of death from any cause by 41%, cancer by 45% and heart disease by 46%. Cyclists traveled an average of 30 miles a week, and the greater the distance traveled the better the health benefits.

Walking has its benefits too, but mainly for people that covered six miles a week. Not as easy to achieve if you’re only walking a tiny distance.

Source: BBC