Man Wants

6 Great Examples of Upcycled Guitars

Ever wondered what happens to a guitar at the end of its life cycle? Maybe not the more expensive models, they’re timeless, but the beginner guitars maybe when they’ve served their purpose.

If you’re a guitar nerd and can’t stand the idea of one being used as anything other than a guitar, then I advise you leave now, but for those who are looking for a use for their old guitars without just destroying them, then you’re in luck!

Below are some great examples of upcycling that could turn any abandoned cheap guitars in your house into a newly loved item of furniture or whatever your imagination can think of.

Musical Chairs

If you’re in need of more kitchen furniture, no need to go to IKEA if you have some old, unloved guitars lying around. Turns out you can make some pretty snazzy chairs/stools out of them. Perfect for a rock bar type set up!

Image: Pinterest

Headstock Hooks

Definitely one of my favourites on this list. If your guitars neck is broken, don’t chuck it away straight off. If you cut the head-stock end off you can make some pretty neat looking pegs or hooks.

Image: Pinterest

Acoustic Table

Great use of any worn down acoustic guitars you or anyone you know may have in need of a new home. The legs might need a bit of reinforcement if you plan to use it a lot, but the hollow guitar bodies make brilliant drink holders for each corner!

Image: Pinterest

Gibson Lamps

Probably not the best idea to use a fully functional Gibson Les Paul as a light, that would give a lot of musicians a heart attack. However, if you have any guitars you know are destined for their grave, why not resurrect them as a snazzy looking lamp for the living room?

Image: Pinterest

Green Guitar

Save the planet in more ways than one. Hollow body guitars that have served their purpose can make a great shelf for anything that you can fit in side once the front is taken off, but this particular example makes a great addition to a green house or just any room that is full of plants.

Image: Pinterest

Rock on the Bog

If you’re all out of options, and you need a new toilet seat, then the front of an acoustic guitar could probably spice it up a bit. Might be a bit more effort than it’s worth though, depends how much you want one.

Image: Pinterest

Know any other great ways to recycle dead guitars? Let us know your ideas in the comments!