Humans could end up living to 120-years-old in the near future
The current life expectancy for men in the UK is about 79, where women is 82. However, in the next 60 years living well over 100 could be the normal life expectancy.
Currently, the oldest verified person to have ever lived is french lady, Jeanne Calment. Born on the 21st February 1875 and died 4th August 1997, she lived for 122 years and 164 days. However, today’s advancement of technology is massively contributing to our health. Modern drugs that slow down the biological aging process could make this the new normal life expectancy.
Leading aging expert Professor Vladimir Khavinson, head of the St. Petersburg Institute of Bio-regulation and Gerontology, has been carrying out research on the matter.
“It is important to understand that nobody would want to live a long and unhealthy life.
“The main goal for us now must be to allow people to stay healthy for as long as possible into their old age.
“If they lead a healthy life, they will have a good start. “

Jeanne Calment rode a bike until she was 100, and didn’t give up smoking until she was 117. (Image: Staying Ageless)
A Longer and healthier life
If Khavinson is right, then livingthis long age won’t be as painful as you’d think. Let’s be honest, Jeanne really did look her age and it was probably fairly painful, even though she claimed she was in relatively good health. Khavisnson stresses that as well as taking DNA modifying drugs, you have to keep a healthy lifestyle on top of it.
“Clean environment, fresh food, physical activity and medical advances (particularly advances in peptide technologies) can allow people who are young today to live until 120.
“However, it is important to understand that nobody would want to live a long and unhealthy life.
“The main goal for us now must be to allow people to stay healthy for as long as possible into their old age.”

The key to longer life is drugs that can modify our DNA, maintaining our bodily functions longer. (Image: YouTube)
Currently, side effects of such treatment are unknown. Drug trials are to be started in the next three years in Russia, although 6 of them are already available. They include the likes of Thymalin (maintains functionality of the immune system) and Cortexin (preserves brain activity). These drugs supposedly work on the “‘peptide technology theory” – that interacting with DNA increases protein production, prolonging the lifespan.
Would you be interested in a longer and healthier life? I may be too old for this to have full effect personally. But, at least seeing the next century would certainly be interesting.
Source: Express
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