The importance of having a Good Morning routine
Giving yourself a good morning routine can make all the difference. Instead of hitting the snooze button over and over, get yourself up. A brighter morning equals a brighter day. A brighter day, every day equals a happier you.
It’s difficult to get up most mornings, but it’s got to be done. Giving yourself a morning routine really can transform you. Mornings go from being a miserable and tiring time, to quite an enjoyable you-time.
A good morning routine has multiple benefits. For example: Lower daily stress, having a clearer mind through the day, more energy through the day, makes you feel brighter and healthier.
Coming to think of it, why are you not doing this already? It seems like a no-brainer. Let’s go through a few do’s and don’ts for a good morning routine so you can prepare yourself.
DO: Be Grateful
A nice and easy start. Every successful person will tell you they take time out of the day to appreciate all that is good around them. So it’s defiantly worth following that and doing it yourself.
Look around you and take in everything that is great. The blankets on your bed, your beautiful partner whom you wake up to every morning, your loved family members… your immaculate Gibson SG you can jam with later on. Take it all in.
Feeling grateful for everything around you really improves the mood and you’ll notice a change in your emotions over time.
DO: Exercise
Here’s where my expertise comes in. Exercising each morning is a must and is a common element in people’s morning routines.
Exercising boosts your mental acuity for a long period of time (between 4 and 10 hours), meaning you need to do it before going out and facing the world. On top of that, a boost to the metabolism this early will keep it revved up throughout the day.
A few push-ups isn’t going to do it. Be sure to kick up a sweat or go for a mile run. Whatever works best for you.
DO: Drink Water
Obviously, you need water to survive. You should be getting at least 8 glasses a day, but drinking it immediately after waking up has its benefits.
It’s a Japanese tradition, and since they have more people living over 100 than anywhere else in the world, it’s definitely doing some good.
Drinking plenty of water in the morning will build up your metabolism, flush out any toxins and re-hydrate your dehydrated body after sleep.
As well as any/all of these three actions, be sure to set yourself some achievable Goals for the day. Once they’re done, you’ll feel very accomplished.
There are a few things you’ll want to avoid for a morning routine though. Let’s just look at a few things you don’t want to be doing as soon as you wake up.
DON’T: Check Emails
Checking your emails as soon as you wake up is bad. If you’re looking at what work has to say before you’re barely conscious, you’re not going to feel good.
I know that some jobs may force you to talk to somebody early on if they call you or whatever, but if you can then avoid emails, social media etc for as long as possible each morning. You’re not at work yet.
Depending on when you start, if you can keep away from it all until at least 9:30AM, then you’ll notice a difference.
DON’T: Hit The Snooze
As soon as you hit that snooze button, you’re already admitting defeat. You’re giving in to easy temptation for the sake of 10 more minutes of sleep.
Why even set an alarm if you’re just going to hit the snooze button over and over? Don’t let it defeat you. When your alarm goes off, get up. Don’t be defeated before you’re even awake.
Having yourself a good morning routine gives you something to look forward to every morning. No more will waking up be a misery.
Be sure to get yourself a good sleeping pattern to make time for your morning routine. You’ll feel the benefits quickly.
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