DNA VR – London’s FIRST Virtual Reality Arcade
While London is set to recieve a pop-up VR arcade, it looks like the next step has already been taken. DNA VR is London’s first TRUE virtual reality arcade.
It doesn’t even matter if you’re quite the gamer or not. Virtual reality (or VR) can be enjoyed by everybody. It’s not the same as sitting motionless with a controller. You get to create the action physically.
Until now, companies have only really teased partial experiences when it comes to VR. This is no longer the case for Londoners though, as DNA VR is the first full scale VR entertainment venue.
The First True VR Arcade
As you can see, this isn’t just your standard arcade. It looks absolutely phenomenal. Currently, there are over 25 titles to choose from for you and your friends, with many more to be added.
Whether you want to conquer Mt. Everest, swim with a pod of whales, see Earth through the window of Apollo 11, survive a zombie Apocalypse – there’s something for everybody to enjoy.
Whilst enjoying these newer titles, you can also delve into some classics from a new angle. The likes of Fruit Ninja and Serious Sam have both got a fully integrated VR release for you to enjoy. There’s even talks of Minecraft to be added at some point too.
You don’t have to always take it in turns either. Most titles are designed to be enjoyed as part of a multiplayer experience. Whether it be just the two of you, or the whole gang. Up to 6 players can be involved at once for some titles.
It’s up to you guys whether you want to pit against each other, or whether you’d prefer to work together in a co-op situation.
More to Come
It doesn’t just end there. DNA VR have a lot of plans for the future. VR isn’t just for friend groups. It can be a great family experience too, for all ages.
Younger explorers will be able to find themselves in the world of Alice in Wonderland. A true childhood dream brought to life in a full VR experience.
If you’re not keen on competing with your friends, why not take a more artistic approach? VR allows players to draw their artwork, or even create huge contraptions and walk around them. Friends and family can also take part, it’s not just something to do alone.
There’s also plans to add VR escape rooms that will definitely put your brains to the test. You can either try them alone or get a group of up to 6 and work together.
Virtually reality really is becoming a technological standard. Headsets were used recently in China to try and deter children from drug use, by showing them how it would look to take specific substances.
Don’t miss out. You can visit DNA VR‘s website now to make your booking. Don’t hold back, it looks amazing.
DNA VR is based on York Way in London. If you have any questions for them, just give them a shout on Facebook or contact them through their site.
Source: DNA VR
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