The Best of the Worst Christmas Jumpers
One of my favourite things about the festive season has to be the beautiful array of Christmas jumpers we’re seeing more and more of each year. To be honest, it’s getting rather ridiculous on the choice we have now… I’m always struggling for choice!
If you can think of it, then there’s likely a Christmas jumper for it. Your favourite films, bands… anything! I have to admit though, some of my favourites just so happen to be rather… erm… rude. So just bare in mind, some of these choices may not be 100% safe for work. You’ve been warned!
Keep it Cheap

Image: Tesco
On a bit of a budget? Don’t worry, Tesco has got your back here! If you’re just after some simple and value for money then this Tesco value Christmas Jumper is all you’ll need. You can hide your money situation by claiming it’s just your amazing sense of humour.
Stand Out

Image: Pinterest
After something that will quite literally stand out? This bloke here has the right idea. Why not turn your belly into a snow globe? You’ll probably need to get a bit of DIY on your jumper for this but it’ll be worth the end result. This would be perfect for Carl to hide his takeaway belly with.
Galactic Cheer

Image: Merchoid
Even the most feared villain in the Galaxy insists on a good time at Christmas. While there are now plenty of Star Wars Christmas jumpers about, I feel this one is drawn to me the most. It also sends a clear message to any Scrooges out there.
Be the Tree

Image: Pinterest
Who needs a Christmas Tree, when you can BE the Christmas Tree?! As demonstrated above, all it takes is the lift of your arms and a star to hold at the top and there you have it. Hopefully you won’t be expected to stand in the same spot the whole festive season though, as a literal tree replacement.
Jingle Balls

Image: Pinterest
Here’s where things are going to start going downhill. Don’t say you weren’t warned though. Fancy giving the family a shock? Grab your best jumper fitted with a beautiful set of baubles, and I’m sure you’ll achieve exactly that.
Under the Mistletoe

Image: Pinterest
There’s always that guy at the Christmas party who wonders around with mistletoe trying his luck with all the ladies. It probably never works, which means this certainly won’t work either. If anything, at least you’ll (hopefully) get a few laughs out of it.
Where do Reindeer come from?

Image: Pinterest
Okay, I’m not really sure why you would actually want to wear this, but it exists. If anyone asks what Rudolph and chums are up to the rest of the year, well this is a possible answer… I guess… What am I even doing?! I think this is a good time to wrap up.
So there you have it, a nice selection of funny and naughty Christmas Jumpers. If you have an extra special one you’d like to share, feel free to hit us up and we’ll give it a share! Just don’t go slightly off the rails like I did towards the end there. The internet can poison the mind sometimes.
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